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Alicia gets her rant on [2002.12.28 0311]

[c01dphu510n]: Alicia gets her rant on about our human clone (repost from old blog page).

hey all... it's been a while. hope you enjoyed your that jazz.

yeah guess what... this is a trip. the first human clone was born. can you believe it? yeah... yeah... a 7lb li'l girl eerily named eve was born as a CLONE. "the first step to human immortality." if you don't believe me, go to www.cnn.com. you'll find out aaaaaall about it.

this guy, rael, a former french journalist decided to take a crack at it and had himself a li'l lady. he does plan to move onto full-grown clones that people can just transfer their brains into to keep on going and going...like the fucking energizer bunny.

what is the good that is going to come from immortality? that IS this guy's goal, by the way. he wants to give immortality to humanity.

immortality is the death of humanity.

death is what makes us human. how can you really say you've ever taken a risk when all you have to do is transfer yourself into another body... your exact body. there's no such thing as a chance. no need to think in terms of the consequences found in the afterlife... because you'll never know it.

so go ahead and break laws... skydive without a parachute... do as many drugs as you want... you can just transfer yourself. just transfer yourself. the only problem there is money.

you have to be rich to be immortal. that's great, huh? because there are so many nice rich people running around... they should get to live forever with their money... let them succumb completely to the hidiousness of greed. no need to ever be generous... just need to save up money to transfer yourself. no more facelifts... just tranfer yourself. the fountain of youth, right?

take away age, morality, risk, and you have NO HUMANITY. what is life without the ability to grow old? what is life without ever being able to take a true risk? what is life without the lessons learned of doing the right thing? immortality you say? i say fuck that.

let's also look at the everpresent issue that is overpopulation. yeah... people are being born faster than we're dying... so let's amend that to say people are being born and NO ONE is dying. well fuck. something tells me that just isn't going to work, huh?

and just for shits and giggles... let's say world leaders are the only people who are GUARANTEED a clone... avoid assassination, no world in chaos... yadda yadda yadda. can you imagine a world of george dubyas? can you imagine a world with multitudes... dubyas on stalk... buy dubya in bulk... can you imagine it? creepy, ain't it? i'm less than excited.

what is to be gained from human cloning and "immortality?" NOTHING... and don't give me "but you'll never have to lose a loved one." guess what... people die. i know. and we miss them, very much. but what's the point in living if you can't leave something behind? people stress about how you're remembered... how you're honored... are you missed by those you left behind?

you want to take that away? i miss my father. not a day goes by without my wishing him around... but it's a part of life. he lived his life and God saw fit to take him. my father was ready to go or he'd still be here...trust me on that. death is the biggest part of life. for all involved.

and with overpopulation and the possible restrictions to be put upon birth... you want to aid in a couple's right to reproduce and give life? you want to help take away a woman's right to join with the man she loves and create something NEW and REAL?

won't you feel like it's cheating? in every sence of the word... it's cheap.

what's the point in living if you take away the greatest things about it? we can all procrastinate to the fullest because there will always be time... that sucks. never learn consequences.

ridiculous. giving to humanity? my goodness... no. KILLING it.

as always, any questions, comments, major maladjustments are always welcome. i usually get at least one. so... !damelos, por favor! ladyluna82@hotmail.com

the best thing about this rael guy and his "movement"...there's no proof. how's that for shits and giggles? slap my ass and call it jello.

night all!

much love
blessed be,
c01dphu510n 12/28/2002 10:59:02 PM

New blog activated, thanks to Alyssa for showing me the way.

Allrighty, boys and girls. This is my new weblog system. Below, you can read the FTP troubles I went through to get this thing working. Click here for the old main page. I guarantee it's worth checking out.
c01dphu510n 12/28/2002 10:32:44 PM

The new blog setup blurb. I am a psycho.

This is a test of c01dphu510n's blog system. This is only a test. Second try. Third try. Fourth try. Fifth try. Sixth try. Switched to IE, goddamn Micro$not. Seventh try. Eighth try. Ninth try. Next day, tenth try. Eleventh try. Twelfth try, not sure how to spell that. Thirteenth try, thirteen's my lucky number; I'm cursed. Fourteenth try. Fifteenth try. Holy crap, it worked, now to maybe the right directory? Sixteenth try. I guess that's too much to ask. Seventeenth try. Hey, update you bitch. Eighteenth try. Now to edit the html template. Nineteenth try. Better colors, baby, Matrix style, #00ff00 on #000000. Got the right name in there, c01dphu510n. Twentieth try. Oh hell yeah baby. Um, dammit, work. There, now it works. Beautious. Font Change. There, baby.
c01dphu510n 12/28/2002 12:53:35 AM

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